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LEI – Legal Entity Identifier

Get LEI through GS1 Egypt, which is an official LEI Registration Agent on the market.

The LEI – Legal Entity Identifier. A 20-digit code for globally unique identification of legal entities in the financial sector. An LEI is now mandatory for those who operate so-called OTC (over the counter) derivative transactions and must report them to trade repositories. These include banks, insurance companies, and investment funds. This reporting requirement is enshrined in the EU Regulation “EMIR” and has been valid since 2014 for the five asset classes: credit, interest rate, FX, commodity and equity derivatives.

LEI – Legal Entity Identifier - GS1 Egypt

Fast and cheap application via GS1 Egypt

Getting an LEI through GS1 Egypt takes just a few steps. First, you have to register on the service page www.lei.direct
From confirmed registration, you can apply for one or more LEI in the online portal or initiate the transfer of your LEI to GS1. After validation of your application by GS1 Egypt, your LEI will be assigned. An LEI is valid for one year. In time for expiration, GS1 will remind you to renew your LEI. You then may extend your LEI actively in the online portal. You can initiate a transfer to GS1 at any time during the year, transfers do not cause costs by default.

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