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What Can You Identify?

GS1 ID Keys enable unique identification for products, locations, and logistic units

GS1 identification (ID) keys are used to name and distinguish any item of goods and its location. There are GS1 ID keys that identify goods, services, locations, logistic units and returnable containers

What Can You Identify? - GS1 Egypt

To identify your products:

  • GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) — used to identify traded goods; products and services that are priced, ordered or invoiced at any stage of the supply-chain — whether at the checkout, in the warehouse, in an e-catalogue or elsewhere. The GTIN automates the trading process and retrieves predefined item information. Each item of goods’ category is allocated a unique GTIN

To identify your locations:

  • GLN (Global Location Number) — the GS1 ID key for locations. To retrieve any pre-defined information from anywhere in the supply-chain, the GLN pinpoints physical locations and legal entities. It tracks and identifies throughout the supply-chain and keeps goods secure

To identify your logistic units:

  • SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code) — the GS1 ID key for logistics units such as cases, cartons, pallets and air-cargo containers as they move from factory to receiving-warehouse. The SSCC is used for storage and transit items that need to be managed at any stage of the supply-chain

GS1 Application Identifiers (ID keys and attributes)

There are two types of identifiers. The first or primary identifiers are called GS1 keys, such as GTIN or GLN. GS1 identifiers also have many attributes such as: lot/batch numbers and expiry dates.

Attributes cannot identify without a GS1 key. A lot number isn’t sufficient, and may not be unique without a related item associated with it. Many GS1 keys end with a special digit — a check-digit. This digit is calculated by referring to the preceding key numbers

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