The first party in its capacity as the sole rep- resentative of GS1 AISBL (Belgium) in Egypt has the
exclusive right to loan and rent global- ly unique product identification numbers as per the GS1
system, through which the products are coded to facilitate commercial transactions globally; and
under such right, the first party has set up a system of membership categories and product
identification number bundles used for identifying the products of the second party throughout the
contract period within which a an annual subscription payment is made. These internationally unique
identification keys are fully owned by the first party in its capacity and are used by the second
party in its capacity as a tenant against an annual fee for the agreed bundle of keys.
Contract draft
The above preamble, the membership form and the direct debit form attached to this contract are
deemed an integral part of this contract, complementing, supplementing and construing it.
Under this contract, both parties agreed, according to the desire of the first Party, to loan its
property of product identification numbers, starting from 622..... till 622... to the consenting
second Party, for the purpose of identifying and photographing its products during the contract
The Parties agree that the Second Party is not entitled, in his capacity, to transfer this contract
or waive it totally or partially to any third party. They agree that the Second Party undertakes, in
his capacity, not to allow any third party, with his own will and consent, to use these barcodes for
any reason or by any means, since such bar- codes should only be used on the products of his
company, which is so exclusively entitled under this contract. The Second Party, in his capaci- ty,
is committed to provide a statement of the various products, subject-matter of the service. Such
statement is considered an annex to this contract and an integral part thereof, provid- ed that it
should be signed by the First Party in his capacity. The Second Party shall furnish the First Party
with any new products to be added to the products statement. The first party is en- titled to use,
share and transfer the data of the second party (company data and product data) made available under
this contract, in order to insert thereof in the database of GS1 AISBL, GS1 Egypt, any other
database or electronic cata- logue owned, affiliated or powered by the First Party, or to share with
government entities and or authorities and/or for any other purpose.
The Second Party undertakes to provide the First Party with the designs of its products or samples
thereof, after applying the barcodes , subject-matter of this contract, as suitable for scanning as
possible, whether the inner or outer packaging. Packages should be free of any defects hindering
scanning, pursuant to the international standards of GS1 Company. The products data and photos shall
be saved on the databases of GS1 AISBL, GS1 Egypt, any other database or electronic catalogue owned,
affil- iated or powered by the First Party. The First party also is entitled to use, share and / or
trans- fer such data with governmental authorities or to / with any other person and for any other
purpose The Second Party herein declares the soundness of all data of the products provided to the
First Party and included on the First Party databases.
The total value of the services provided by the First Party under this contract amounts to .... LE
which the Second Party under-takes to pay in advance on the contracting day, and on the same day of
every following year, plus the administrative expenses in the amount of ....LE in return for joining
the mem-bership of the (GS1 AISBL), which are nonrefundable and are to be paid once only upon
starting contract- ing. A value-added tax of 14% shall be added to the total subscription charges in
the first year and upon annual renewal, pursuant to Law number 67 for the year 2016. The First Party
is entitled to amend this contract in whole or in part as soon as this is announced on the Company
website, the Second Party is notified via text messages sent to the e-mail address recorded in the
attached membership form or through any customary announcement method. The Second Party shall
undersign the new contract form whenever he is so request- ed and will comply with its terms. In
case of the user’s objection, he shall notify the First Party in writing of his desire to terminate
the service no later than thirty days from the date of the an- nouncement or notification and
undersign the contract termination form referred to in Article 8; otherwise this will be considered
his accep- tance of these amendments.
Upon concluding this contract, the Second Party commits to sign the delegation form for direct
service EG-Automated Clearing House for periodical collection of the annual membership as provided
in article Five.
The Parties agree that the duration of this contract is one year, automatically renewable, unless
they agree not to renew it, pursuant to the terms and procedures stipulated in the Eighth Article.
In case of delaying the payment of the annual subscription fees for one month, the Second Party
shall be charged with a fine equal to 20% of the subscription fees, at a max- imum date of thirty
days to the termination of the grace period granted for payment, to be multiplied upon the payment
period multipli- cation. The Second Party, in his capacity, shall not be entitled to use the
barcodes, subject-matter of the contract, unless after settlement of the annual subscription charges
for each year in- dependently. The First Party shall be entitled to dissolve this contract upon the
termination of the year, for which subscription fees have been paid, according to this contract,
without having to serve any prior notice or notification or acquiring a judicial ruling. In this
case, the First Party shall immediately retrieve the right of using these barcodes and lease them to
third party of his own accord. The Second Party shall not be entitled to use these bar- codes,
subject-matter of the contract, and shall incur all entailing civil and criminal legal consequences.
If the second party does not wish to renew this contract, it commits to sign the form of termination
of the contract at the head office of the Company (First Party) and commits not to use the product
identification numbers in the future. The termination notice will be in two copies, each party
holding one of them and should be signed before the expiry of the contract by at least sixty days.
The second party non attendance or non submission of the form is deemed a statement confirming its
use of the numbers, subject of this contract, and all the provisions of the contract remain
effective and enforceable to it; but this does not prevent the first party to exercise its right to
terminate the contract without warning or notification or prior judicial ruling.
The Second Party acknowledges the correct- ness of the submitted data and documents and is
considered personally responsible for them; it also commits to notify the First Party in writing,
immediately upon any change or modification occurring to such data or docu- ments delivered to the
First Party
Each of the two parties acknowledges having adopted the addresses inserted in this con- tract as
elected domicile for all what concerns the implementation or termination of this con- tract and that
any notification or mail sent to it shall be deemed valid unless any party has notified the other
one through registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt of re- placement of the address by a
new one within fifteen days from the date of the change.
The Arabic language is the accredited lan- guage in construing the contract and for its im-
plementation; however, both parties may use one foreign language for writing the contract or part of
it next to the Arabic text. Should a contradiction appear between the Arabic and foreign texts, the
Arabic shall prevail.
If the Second Party infringes any of the terms of this contract, he shall have to pay eighty
thousand Egyptian Pounds, as a penal condi- tion for such violation. The contract shall be
automatically dissolved, and the First Party shall be entitled to claim indemnity if neces- sary.
The provisions of Egyptian laws, regulations are applicable to this contract; any dispute or
conflict arising from the subject of this con- tract including failure, termination, enforce- ment
or nonenforcement of this contract, falls under the jurisdiction of the Cairo Economic Courts, as
the barcode and product identifi- cation numbers owned by the first party and subject to this
contract are covered by the protection provided by the Egyptian Intellec- tual Property Law No. 82
of year 2002 and governed by its provisions.
This contract was issued in three copies (two copies deposited in the head office of the first party
and one copy held by the second party) to be used accordingly. The second party acknowledges having
read and understood the forms attached to this contract and agreed and committed to comply with
their provisions. In confirmation of the above, both parties con- cluded this contract on the
aforementioned date.